noteworthy treatments
neutralizing andibodies
prophylactic treatment
anti-viral and associate therapy
adjuvant therapy
Top evidence (RCT only, high risk of bias excluded)
Best available evidence (possibly low or very low)
All RCTs (whatever the risk of bias)
All studies (RCT+OBS)
14-days deaths Emergency room visit or hospitalization death D28 death or transfer to ICU deaths deaths (time to event analysis only) hospitalization or death clinical deterioration clinical improvement clinical improvement (14-day) clinical improvement (28-day) clinical improvement (7-day) clinical improvement (time to event analysis only) death or ventilation hospital discharge hospitalization mechanical ventilation mechanical ventilation (time to event analysis only) radiologic improvement (14-day) symptomatic Covid-19 viral clearance viral clearance (time to event analysis only) viral clearance by day 14 viral clearance by day 7 ICU admission off oxygenation recovery AE leading to drug discontinuation serious adverse events superinfection acute kidney injury adverse events arrhythmia deep vein thrombosis elevated liver enzymes hyperbilirubinemia Myocardial infarction pulmonary embolism renal impairment serious adverse events (SAE), any venous thromboembolism
insufficient data
Interactive explorer of NMA results
baricitinib vs. casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve)
1.03 [0.88; 1.22] 1.03 [0.88;1.22]baricitinib vs. casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve)
1.03 [0.88; 1.22] baricitinib vs. control
baricitinib better
0.80 [0.72; 0.90] 0.80 [0.72;0.90]baricitinib vs. control
baricitinib better
0.80 [0.72; 0.90] baricitinib vs. convalescent plasma treatment
baricitinib better
0.82 [0.73; 0.93] 0.82 [0.73;0.93]baricitinib vs. convalescent plasma treatment
baricitinib better
0.82 [0.73; 0.93] baricitinib vs. corticosteroids
baricitinib better
0.85 [0.75; 0.95] 0.85 [0.75;0.95]baricitinib vs. corticosteroids
baricitinib better
0.85 [0.75; 0.95] baricitinib vs. interferon
baricitinib better
0.73 [0.59; 0.89] 0.73 [0.59;0.89]baricitinib vs. interferon
baricitinib better
0.73 [0.59; 0.89] baricitinib vs. remdesivir
0.90 [0.75; 1.08] 0.90 [0.75;1.08]baricitinib vs. remdesivir
0.90 [0.75; 1.08] baricitinib vs. sarilumab
0.90 [0.52; 1.57] 0.90 [0.52;1.57]baricitinib vs. sarilumab
0.90 [0.52; 1.57] baricitinib vs. tocilizumab
0.95 [0.83; 1.09] 0.95 [0.83;1.09]baricitinib vs. tocilizumab
0.95 [0.83; 1.09] baricitinib vs. tofacitinib
1.64 [0.50; 5.44] 1.64 [0.50;5.44]baricitinib vs. tofacitinib
1.64 [0.50; 5.44] casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve) vs. baricitinib
0.97 [0.82; 1.14] 0.97 [0.82;1.14]casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve) vs. baricitinib
0.97 [0.82; 1.14] casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve) vs. control
casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve) better
0.78 [0.69; 0.88] 0.78 [0.69;0.88]casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve) vs. control
casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve) better
0.78 [0.69; 0.88] casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve) vs. convalescent plasma treatment
casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve) better
0.80 [0.69; 0.92] 0.80 [0.69;0.92]casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve) vs. convalescent plasma treatment
casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve) better
0.80 [0.69; 0.92] casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve) vs. corticosteroids
casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve) better
0.82 [0.72; 0.93] 0.82 [0.72;0.93]casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve) vs. corticosteroids
casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve) better
0.82 [0.72; 0.93] casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve) vs. interferon
casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve) better
0.70 [0.57; 0.87] 0.70 [0.57;0.87]casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve) vs. interferon
casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve) better
0.70 [0.57; 0.87] casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve) vs. remdesivir
0.87 [0.72; 1.05] 0.87 [0.72;1.05]casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve) vs. remdesivir
0.87 [0.72; 1.05] casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve) vs. sarilumab
0.87 [0.50; 1.52] 0.87 [0.50;1.52]casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve) vs. sarilumab
0.87 [0.50; 1.52] casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve) vs. tocilizumab
0.92 [0.79; 1.07] 0.92 [0.79;1.07]casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve) vs. tocilizumab
0.92 [0.79; 1.07] casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve) vs. tofacitinib
1.59 [0.48; 5.27] 1.59 [0.48;5.27]casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve) vs. tofacitinib
1.59 [0.48; 5.27] control vs. baricitinib
baricitinib better
1.24 [1.12; 1.39] 1.24 [1.12;1.39]control vs. baricitinib
baricitinib better
1.24 [1.12; 1.39] control vs. casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve)
casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve) better
1.28 [1.13; 1.45] 1.28 [1.13;1.45]control vs. casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve)
casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve) better
1.28 [1.13; 1.45] control vs. convalescent plasma treatment
1.02 [0.96; 1.09] 1.02 [0.96;1.09]control vs. convalescent plasma treatment
1.02 [0.96; 1.09] control vs. corticosteroids
corticosteroids better
1.05 [1.01; 1.10] 1.05 [1.01;1.10]control vs. corticosteroids
corticosteroids better
1.05 [1.01; 1.10] control vs. interferon
0.90 [0.76; 1.08] 0.90 [0.76;1.08]control vs. interferon
0.90 [0.76; 1.08] control vs. remdesivir
1.12 [0.97; 1.29] 1.12 [0.97;1.29]control vs. remdesivir
1.12 [0.97; 1.29] control vs. sarilumab
1.12 [0.65; 1.93] 1.12 [0.65;1.93]control vs. sarilumab
1.12 [0.65; 1.93] control vs. tocilizumab
tocilizumab better
1.18 [1.08; 1.29] 1.18 [1.08;1.29]control vs. tocilizumab
tocilizumab better
1.18 [1.08; 1.29] control vs. tofacitinib
2.04 [0.62; 6.73] 2.04 [0.62;6.73]control vs. tofacitinib
2.04 [0.62; 6.73] convalescent plasma treatment vs. baricitinib
baricitinib better
1.21 [1.07; 1.37] 1.21 [1.07;1.37]convalescent plasma treatment vs. baricitinib
baricitinib better
1.21 [1.07; 1.37] convalescent plasma treatment vs. casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve)
casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve) better
1.25 [1.09; 1.44] 1.25 [1.09;1.44]convalescent plasma treatment vs. casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve)
casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve) better
1.25 [1.09; 1.44] convalescent plasma treatment vs. control
0.98 [0.92; 1.04] 0.98 [0.92;1.04]convalescent plasma treatment vs. control
0.98 [0.92; 1.04] convalescent plasma treatment vs. corticosteroids
1.03 [0.95; 1.11] 1.03 [0.95;1.11]convalescent plasma treatment vs. corticosteroids
1.03 [0.95; 1.11] convalescent plasma treatment vs. interferon
0.88 [0.73; 1.06] 0.88 [0.73;1.06]convalescent plasma treatment vs. interferon
0.88 [0.73; 1.06] convalescent plasma treatment vs. remdesivir
1.09 [0.94; 1.28] 1.09 [0.94;1.28]convalescent plasma treatment vs. remdesivir
1.09 [0.94; 1.28] convalescent plasma treatment vs. sarilumab
1.10 [0.64; 1.89] 1.10 [0.64;1.89]convalescent plasma treatment vs. sarilumab
1.10 [0.64; 1.89] convalescent plasma treatment vs. tocilizumab
tocilizumab better
1.15 [1.04; 1.29] 1.15 [1.04;1.29]convalescent plasma treatment vs. tocilizumab
tocilizumab better
1.15 [1.04; 1.29] convalescent plasma treatment vs. tofacitinib
1.99 [0.60; 6.58] 1.99 [0.60;6.58]convalescent plasma treatment vs. tofacitinib
1.99 [0.60; 6.58] corticosteroids vs. baricitinib
baricitinib better
1.18 [1.05; 1.33] 1.18 [1.05;1.33]corticosteroids vs. baricitinib
baricitinib better
1.18 [1.05; 1.33] corticosteroids vs. casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve)
casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve) better
1.22 [1.07; 1.39] 1.22 [1.07;1.39]corticosteroids vs. casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve)
casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve) better
1.22 [1.07; 1.39] corticosteroids vs. control
corticosteroids better
0.95 [0.91; 0.99] 0.95 [0.91;0.99]corticosteroids vs. control
corticosteroids better
0.95 [0.91; 0.99] corticosteroids vs. convalescent plasma treatment
0.97 [0.90; 1.05] 0.97 [0.90;1.05]corticosteroids vs. convalescent plasma treatment
0.97 [0.90; 1.05] corticosteroids vs. interferon
0.86 [0.72; 1.03] 0.86 [0.72;1.03]corticosteroids vs. interferon
0.86 [0.72; 1.03] corticosteroids vs. remdesivir
1.07 [0.92; 1.24] 1.07 [0.92;1.24]corticosteroids vs. remdesivir
1.07 [0.92; 1.24] corticosteroids vs. sarilumab
1.07 [0.62; 1.84] 1.07 [0.62;1.84]corticosteroids vs. sarilumab
1.07 [0.62; 1.84] corticosteroids vs. tocilizumab
tocilizumab better
1.12 [1.02; 1.24] 1.12 [1.02;1.24]corticosteroids vs. tocilizumab
tocilizumab better
1.12 [1.02; 1.24] corticosteroids vs. tofacitinib
1.94 [0.59; 6.40] 1.94 [0.59;6.40]corticosteroids vs. tofacitinib
1.94 [0.59; 6.40] interferon vs. baricitinib
baricitinib better
1.38 [1.12; 1.70] 1.38 [1.12;1.70]interferon vs. baricitinib
baricitinib better
1.38 [1.12; 1.70] interferon vs. casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve)
casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve) better
1.42 [1.14; 1.77] 1.42 [1.14;1.77]interferon vs. casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve)
casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve) better
1.42 [1.14; 1.77] interferon vs. control
1.11 [0.93; 1.32] 1.11 [0.93;1.32]interferon vs. control
1.11 [0.93; 1.32] interferon vs. convalescent plasma treatment
1.13 [0.94; 1.37] 1.13 [0.94;1.37]interferon vs. convalescent plasma treatment
1.13 [0.94; 1.37] interferon vs. corticosteroids
1.16 [0.97; 1.40] 1.16 [0.97;1.40]interferon vs. corticosteroids
1.16 [0.97; 1.40] interferon vs. remdesivir
1.24 [0.99; 1.56] 1.24 [0.99;1.56]interferon vs. remdesivir
1.24 [0.99; 1.56] interferon vs. sarilumab
1.24 [0.70; 2.20] 1.24 [0.70;2.20]interferon vs. sarilumab
1.24 [0.70; 2.20] interferon vs. tocilizumab
tocilizumab better
1.31 [1.07; 1.60] 1.31 [1.07;1.60]interferon vs. tocilizumab
tocilizumab better
1.31 [1.07; 1.60] interferon vs. tofacitinib
2.26 [0.68; 7.55] 2.26 [0.68;7.55]interferon vs. tofacitinib
2.26 [0.68; 7.55] remdesivir vs. baricitinib
1.11 [0.93; 1.33] 1.11 [0.93;1.33]remdesivir vs. baricitinib
1.11 [0.93; 1.33] remdesivir vs. casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve)
1.15 [0.95; 1.39] 1.15 [0.95;1.39]remdesivir vs. casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve)
1.15 [0.95; 1.39] remdesivir vs. control
0.89 [0.77; 1.03] 0.89 [0.77;1.03]remdesivir vs. control
0.89 [0.77; 1.03] remdesivir vs. convalescent plasma treatment
0.91 [0.78; 1.07] 0.91 [0.78;1.07]remdesivir vs. convalescent plasma treatment
0.91 [0.78; 1.07] remdesivir vs. corticosteroids
0.94 [0.81; 1.09] 0.94 [0.81;1.09]remdesivir vs. corticosteroids
0.94 [0.81; 1.09] remdesivir vs. interferon
0.81 [0.64; 1.01] 0.81 [0.64;1.01]remdesivir vs. interferon
0.81 [0.64; 1.01] remdesivir vs. sarilumab
1.00 [0.57; 1.76] 1.00 [0.57;1.76]remdesivir vs. sarilumab
1.00 [0.57; 1.76] remdesivir vs. tocilizumab
1.06 [0.89; 1.25] 1.06 [0.89;1.25]remdesivir vs. tocilizumab
1.06 [0.89; 1.25] remdesivir vs. tofacitinib
1.82 [0.55; 6.06] 1.82 [0.55;6.06]remdesivir vs. tofacitinib
1.82 [0.55; 6.06] sarilumab vs. baricitinib
1.11 [0.64; 1.92] 1.11 [0.64;1.92]sarilumab vs. baricitinib
1.11 [0.64; 1.92] sarilumab vs. casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve)
1.14 [0.66; 1.99] 1.14 [0.66;1.99]sarilumab vs. casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve)
1.14 [0.66; 1.99] sarilumab vs. control
0.89 [0.52; 1.53] 0.89 [0.52;1.53]sarilumab vs. control
0.89 [0.52; 1.53] sarilumab vs. convalescent plasma treatment
0.91 [0.53; 1.57] 0.91 [0.53;1.57]sarilumab vs. convalescent plasma treatment
0.91 [0.53; 1.57] sarilumab vs. corticosteroids
0.94 [0.54; 1.61] 0.94 [0.54;1.61]sarilumab vs. corticosteroids
0.94 [0.54; 1.61] sarilumab vs. interferon
0.80 [0.45; 1.42] 0.80 [0.45;1.42]sarilumab vs. interferon
0.80 [0.45; 1.42] sarilumab vs. remdesivir
1.00 [0.57; 1.75] 1.00 [0.57;1.75]sarilumab vs. remdesivir
1.00 [0.57; 1.75] sarilumab vs. tocilizumab
1.05 [0.61; 1.82] 1.05 [0.61;1.82]sarilumab vs. tocilizumab
1.05 [0.61; 1.82] sarilumab vs. tofacitinib
1.82 [0.49; 6.74] 1.82 [0.49;6.74]sarilumab vs. tofacitinib
1.82 [0.49; 6.74] tocilizumab vs. baricitinib
1.05 [0.91; 1.21] 1.05 [0.91;1.21]tocilizumab vs. baricitinib
1.05 [0.91; 1.21] tocilizumab vs. casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve)
1.09 [0.93; 1.27] 1.09 [0.93;1.27]tocilizumab vs. casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve)
1.09 [0.93; 1.27] tocilizumab vs. control
tocilizumab better
0.85 [0.77; 0.92] 0.85 [0.77;0.92]tocilizumab vs. control
tocilizumab better
0.85 [0.77; 0.92] tocilizumab vs. convalescent plasma treatment
tocilizumab better
0.87 [0.78; 0.96] 0.87 [0.78;0.96]tocilizumab vs. convalescent plasma treatment
tocilizumab better
0.87 [0.78; 0.96] tocilizumab vs. corticosteroids
tocilizumab better
0.89 [0.81; 0.98] 0.89 [0.81;0.98]tocilizumab vs. corticosteroids
tocilizumab better
0.89 [0.81; 0.98] tocilizumab vs. interferon
tocilizumab better
0.76 [0.63; 0.93] 0.76 [0.63;0.93]tocilizumab vs. interferon
tocilizumab better
0.76 [0.63; 0.93] tocilizumab vs. remdesivir
0.95 [0.80; 1.12] 0.95 [0.80;1.12]tocilizumab vs. remdesivir
0.95 [0.80; 1.12] tocilizumab vs. sarilumab
0.95 [0.55; 1.64] 0.95 [0.55;1.64]tocilizumab vs. sarilumab
0.95 [0.55; 1.64] tocilizumab vs. tofacitinib
1.73 [0.52; 5.71] 1.73 [0.52;5.71]tocilizumab vs. tofacitinib
1.73 [0.52; 5.71] tofacitinib vs. baricitinib
0.61 [0.18; 2.02] 0.61 [0.18;2.02]tofacitinib vs. baricitinib
0.61 [0.18; 2.02] tofacitinib vs. casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve)
0.63 [0.19; 2.09] 0.63 [0.19;2.09]tofacitinib vs. casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve)
0.63 [0.19; 2.09] tofacitinib vs. control
0.49 [0.15; 1.62] 0.49 [0.15;1.62]tofacitinib vs. control
0.49 [0.15; 1.62] tofacitinib vs. convalescent plasma treatment
0.50 [0.15; 1.66] 0.50 [0.15;1.66]tofacitinib vs. convalescent plasma treatment
0.50 [0.15; 1.66] tofacitinib vs. corticosteroids
0.52 [0.16; 1.70] 0.52 [0.16;1.70]tofacitinib vs. corticosteroids
0.52 [0.16; 1.70] tofacitinib vs. interferon
0.44 [0.13; 1.48] 0.44 [0.13;1.48]tofacitinib vs. interferon
0.44 [0.13; 1.48] tofacitinib vs. remdesivir
0.55 [0.17; 1.82] 0.55 [0.17;1.82]tofacitinib vs. remdesivir
0.55 [0.17; 1.82] tofacitinib vs. sarilumab
0.55 [0.15; 2.04] 0.55 [0.15;2.04]tofacitinib vs. sarilumab
0.55 [0.15; 2.04] tofacitinib vs. tocilizumab
0.58 [0.18; 1.92] 0.58 [0.18;1.92]tofacitinib vs. tocilizumab
0.58 [0.18; 1.92] Risk of bias:
- high: NaN
- some concerns: NaN
- low: NaN
- NA: NaN corticosteroids Risk of bias:
- high: NaN
- some concerns: NaN
- low: NaN
- NA: NaN remdesivir Risk of bias:
- high: NaN
- some concerns: NaN
- low: NaN
- NA: NaN convalescent plasma treatment Risk of bias:
- high: NaN
- some concerns: NaN
- low: NaN
- NA: NaN baricitinib Risk of bias:
- high: NaN
- some concerns: NaN
- low: NaN
- NA: NaN tofacitinib Risk of bias:
- high: NaN
- some concerns: NaN
- low: NaN
- NA: NaN casirivimab/imdevimab (Ronapreve) Risk of bias:
- high: NaN
- some concerns: NaN
- low: NaN
- NA: NaN interferon Risk of bias:
- high: NaN
- some concerns: NaN
- low: NaN
- NA: NaN tocilizumab Risk of bias:
- high: NaN
- some concerns: NaN
- low: NaN
- NA: NaN sarilumab Risk of bias:
- high: NaN
- some concerns: NaN
- low: NaN
- NA: NaN control direct evidence network meta-analysis comet plot result box odds ratio A B 0.5 1.5 1.0 odds ratio for A vs. B and half 95% CI ROB: high some concerns low NA
Click on treatment name to display related network evidence